Bouquet of the day & Juice


You pick your size and our expert florists exercise their creativity to design a beautiful bouquet using the freshest seasonal flowers available. Please note that flowers and designs will vary as our artisan florists work with the freshest, in-season flowers and their own personal inspiration – but you can be sure your bouquet will delight!

Glass Vase Type A (+$10)
Glass Vase Type B (+$10)
Glass Vase Colour (+$10)
Pure Indulgence Chocolates 190g (+$25)
Pure Indulgence Chocolates Mini 40g (+$10)
Teddy Bear with heart 30cm (+$20)
Casale Soy Candle Sunday morning 226g (+$25)
Casale Soy Candle Ubud 226g (+$25)
Casale Soy Candle Headland 226g (+$25)
Casale Soy Candle North woods 226g (+$25)
Sparkling Dark Grape Juice (+$15)
Sparkling Shiraz Grape Juice (+$15)
Personalised message on your cake or balloon (Max 25 characters only)
Product total
Options total
Grand total


Our expert florists exercise their creativity to design a beautiful bouquet using the freshest seasonal flowers available. Please note that flowers and designs will vary as our artisan florists work with the freshest, in-season flowers and their own personal inspiration – but you can be sure your bouquet will delight!

Additional information


Small, Original, Large


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